Sunday, May 31, 2009

Oldies (The Garden Excursion)

The hens are having quite a time, we had a cow escape from our neighbors field and it ran through the chicken run and tore the wire down. Now they can free range outside with out having to escape or fly...they just walk right out! I snuck out and caught them in the act of vandalizing the veggie garden, cheeky buggers!...
Harriett was "just" passing through the garden as I came out....

Then Henrietta comes along and is "just looking for bugs"...

And when I pretended to look away...the lettuce screamed as it was being eaten. A quick picture and then I had proof of who was eating all the lettuce, Haha!

Benjamin was the guard that they posted for a look out, but then he saw something shinny and was gone like a very fluffy bullet. The poor hens never even knew he was gone.

Newbies (3)

Well all the girls are growing up fast! *tear* Sorry that it took so long to get some stuff on here...been as busy as a bee! =D
The chicks all moved out of the water trough, they are now in the barn in a 12' x 12' room/stall. They have tons of leg room and hay bales to climb.

Squinty is a Barred Rock, she loves to chase you and peck. She appears to be quite a bossy little girl. The reason for her name is because one of her eyes is slightly more closed than the other. ^-^

Rosie is still her sweet little self, always open to a good cuddle.. =D

Whitey is a White Leghorn (well known for laying an enormous amount of eggs during their lifetime).
They are also very hard to tell apart as of yet, so they all have the same

Her friend there is Abby Sciuto, who is a Black Star Sexlink.

Felicity here is looking quite scruffy and bedraggled, I guess its because she is a different breed from the others. Her feathers are not growing as quickly as everyone else, poor girl!

Buffy her is getting such a sweet personality! She runs up to you and leaps into your arms now (or very close to that anyway!)....

Sammy is also growing at a different rate to the others. She is also very hard to catch now, thats why the picture is from a distance. =p

A very snooze-ie Whitey, she woke up right as the flash went off.

Hootie is a looker, very pretty ear tufts.

Two little girls playing on the chicken version of a playground(haybales) =D

Snooze time, Whitey and Hootie about to go down for a wee nap (After all that playing around everyone needs a nap right!)...ZZzzzzzz...

Thursday, May 14, 2009

How to care for chicks

Where do I keep them?
For every chick you need about 1/2 a square foot of room. We have 24 chicks so it would be about 12 square feet. We have a black (Tuff Stuff) water trough that is 110 gallons and approx. 3' by 4.5' and 2' high. At about two weeks old you will want to put some wire mesh on the top for the escape artists.

Do they need to be kept warm?
Yes, they most defiantly need to be kept warm at all times, you will need a heat lamp with the right type of heating bulb. I prefer the red tinted ones, but after awhile the red will peel off. At the moment the heat lamp is about two feet from the bottom of the water trough, as they get older you will have to move it higher. Always keep an eye on the chicks and make sure that they aren't shivering and huddled together, or panting with wings drooped. To tell how warm it is just stick you hand in(at their level) and see how hot your hand feels, if its warm then you're good, it its so hot it hurts move it higher. After all you don't want mini roast chicken!!!

What do I use to line the bottom of the container?
For the first day you should line the bottom with just news paper, after you're sure that they know where the food is you can put some wood shavings on the bottom, don't use cedar shavings as the oil in it can be bad for them. Change the news paper and shavings at least once a day. More if need be. Also make sure that they don't eat the shavings, NEVER use sawdust!!

What do I feed them?
At your local feed store they should have bags of start/grow chick feed, always check to make sure that is for chicks, some are just for ducks or turkeys. Keep their feeders full at all times, their metabolism is a lot faster than ours so they need to eat constantly.

What do they drink?
They drink water from the very beginning, when you first get them you should give them sugar water(two tablespoons per quart) for a day or two. After that plain water is fine, there are different types of water soluble chick vitamins and supplements. I've never needed them though.

What do I do when I first get them?
It is best if while placing them in the container you have chosen to dip each chicks beak into the sugar water and make sure they all get some water, they will be dehydrated and tired after the journey. As tempting as it is, don't cuddle them for at least a couple of hours they need to recuperate.

I hope you enjoy the wonderful world of chickenhood!!!!

The Newbies (2)

Well its been awhile so here are some more pictures of the chicks!
Boy are they growing up fast. *sigh*
Samantha "Sammy"
Now Sammy's wing feathers are starting to come in!! =D

Rosie's tail and wing feathers are coming in now. She is getting even cheeky-er if that is possible, when you put your hand out she will climb up it and try to escape.

Cheeky girl!

Felicity is getting very fast, it took me awhile to catch her for this photo. I think I might have tired her out. ^-^

Hootie is an Araucana and she has the cutest little ear tufts, she looks like an owl as her name implies! =D

Buffy (the fluffy)
Buffy also enjoys a good cuddle if the opportunity arises. She is a Buff Orpington, which are known for their sweet personalities.

Friday, May 8, 2009

The Old Girls (And Boy)

At the moment we have nine laying hens and a bantam rooster named Benjamin. Here are their bios...

Sweetie (Araucana) has been with us for about five or six years now. She is the Houdini of the flock, if there is a way out of the run she'll find it and will also teach the other hens who are brave enough to follow her out to freedom. She has fluffy ear tufts and lays greenish/blue eggs. When she was a chick she had the cutest black eyebrows she looked like quite the Egyptian!

Green Day and Cheeky(Cheeky is the one in the back)
Green Day is a Silver Laced Wyandotte, she loves to free range with Sweetie and that crowd. She lays light brown eggs and she has a rose comb.

Cheeky is a Silver Sebright bantam(which is a like a miniature chicken) She is as her name suggests very cheeky, she is also exceptionally good at flight compared to the other hens, and almost impossible to catch.

Henrietta is a Barred Rock(which is a cross between Dominiques and Black Javas) and lays medium brown eggs, she also likes to roam about unattended during the day. She is not however smart enough to get back into the run so we must find her in the evenings and put her up to roost.

Lilly (Red Sexlink) is only a year old and quite personable when she chooses. She will come when you call her by name. Born on Easter or very close to it, she was given to us because her owner got her as a chick for an Easter present and had nowhere to keep her. She is almost house trained.... =D

Lucy (Red Cochin Bantam) is a complete scared-y chicken, you can't get within five feet of her and she runs away. She looks a little stressed out all the time, but she is very cute and tiny compared to the other chickens. Lucy is quite the devoted wife to Benjamin. She also enjoys the free ranging life style and can sneak out of very small holes...

Scruffy (Araucana) is also fond of free ranging, but not very smart. She lays light brown eggs (some Araucanas don't lay green eggs, but most do). She is a loner and doesn't hang out with the other hens much if she can help it.

Pecky (Barred Rock) has a sweet personality, fond of people but not cuddles. She was once quite broody and hatched two chicks, but both turned out to be roosters (Little and Jr.) so we had to give them away. She loves to scratch up the garden and eat grubs...yummy!

Harriett (Barred Rock) is also a loner and the largest chicken we have at the moment. Her hobbies are eating and scratching up the garden to let the weeds grow. =D

Benjamin (aka "Benji")
Benjamin (Barred Cochin Bantam) is our only rooster. He is very sweet and fluffy, and has a secret love for cuddles, but he would never admit it. He is gentle, kind and has never attacked anyone, unlike the other roosters we've had. He is quite the country bumpkin. ^-^

Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Newbies

So far out of the 24 we have named three, if you have any name ideas you would like to share please feel free!

Samantha (aka "Sammy")
Sammy is a Salmon Faverolle (which was originally bred as a utility fowl in France, now it is raised mostly for exhibition and novelty. It is good sized with a beard, muff, feathered shanks, and 5th toe)
She looks entirely different compared to all the other chicks she looks like a round ball of fluff(a very cute round ball!)

Rose or Rosie
Rosie is a Red Star Sexlink (bred esp. for egg laying)
She is quite the Nosy Rosie! Whenever you attempt to put you hand into the tub she is right there looking for food and pecking you. Extremely curious, and very cute personality. =D

Felicity is the only chick other than Sammy to have feathered feet. She is guessed to be a Dark Brahma (Large gentle chickens like the Light Brahmas. Striking plumage color in black and silvery white for males and beautiful silver penciled steel gray for females. Developed from Asiatic fowl brought to New England by China clipper ships in the last century.)
She was our surprise chick from Murray Mcmurray Hatchery.

A New Delivery (My New Adopted Family)

Well guess what!! We received 24 chicks in the mail on May the 4th 2009 at six o'clock in the morning. They are soooo gorgeous you wouldn't believe it. I will post some pictures as soon as I can! =D