Friday, May 8, 2009

The Old Girls (And Boy)

At the moment we have nine laying hens and a bantam rooster named Benjamin. Here are their bios...

Sweetie (Araucana) has been with us for about five or six years now. She is the Houdini of the flock, if there is a way out of the run she'll find it and will also teach the other hens who are brave enough to follow her out to freedom. She has fluffy ear tufts and lays greenish/blue eggs. When she was a chick she had the cutest black eyebrows she looked like quite the Egyptian!

Green Day and Cheeky(Cheeky is the one in the back)
Green Day is a Silver Laced Wyandotte, she loves to free range with Sweetie and that crowd. She lays light brown eggs and she has a rose comb.

Cheeky is a Silver Sebright bantam(which is a like a miniature chicken) She is as her name suggests very cheeky, she is also exceptionally good at flight compared to the other hens, and almost impossible to catch.

Henrietta is a Barred Rock(which is a cross between Dominiques and Black Javas) and lays medium brown eggs, she also likes to roam about unattended during the day. She is not however smart enough to get back into the run so we must find her in the evenings and put her up to roost.

Lilly (Red Sexlink) is only a year old and quite personable when she chooses. She will come when you call her by name. Born on Easter or very close to it, she was given to us because her owner got her as a chick for an Easter present and had nowhere to keep her. She is almost house trained.... =D

Lucy (Red Cochin Bantam) is a complete scared-y chicken, you can't get within five feet of her and she runs away. She looks a little stressed out all the time, but she is very cute and tiny compared to the other chickens. Lucy is quite the devoted wife to Benjamin. She also enjoys the free ranging life style and can sneak out of very small holes...

Scruffy (Araucana) is also fond of free ranging, but not very smart. She lays light brown eggs (some Araucanas don't lay green eggs, but most do). She is a loner and doesn't hang out with the other hens much if she can help it.

Pecky (Barred Rock) has a sweet personality, fond of people but not cuddles. She was once quite broody and hatched two chicks, but both turned out to be roosters (Little and Jr.) so we had to give them away. She loves to scratch up the garden and eat grubs...yummy!

Harriett (Barred Rock) is also a loner and the largest chicken we have at the moment. Her hobbies are eating and scratching up the garden to let the weeds grow. =D

Benjamin (aka "Benji")
Benjamin (Barred Cochin Bantam) is our only rooster. He is very sweet and fluffy, and has a secret love for cuddles, but he would never admit it. He is gentle, kind and has never attacked anyone, unlike the other roosters we've had. He is quite the country bumpkin. ^-^

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