Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Newbies (2)

Well its been awhile so here are some more pictures of the chicks!
Boy are they growing up fast. *sigh*
Samantha "Sammy"
Now Sammy's wing feathers are starting to come in!! =D

Rosie's tail and wing feathers are coming in now. She is getting even cheeky-er if that is possible, when you put your hand out she will climb up it and try to escape.

Cheeky girl!

Felicity is getting very fast, it took me awhile to catch her for this photo. I think I might have tired her out. ^-^

Hootie is an Araucana and she has the cutest little ear tufts, she looks like an owl as her name implies! =D

Buffy (the fluffy)
Buffy also enjoys a good cuddle if the opportunity arises. She is a Buff Orpington, which are known for their sweet personalities.

1 comment:

  1. awww- they are absolutely adorable!!
    I never realized how cute baby chickens could be...but they are! =]

    - [anastasia]
