Thursday, May 14, 2009

How to care for chicks

Where do I keep them?
For every chick you need about 1/2 a square foot of room. We have 24 chicks so it would be about 12 square feet. We have a black (Tuff Stuff) water trough that is 110 gallons and approx. 3' by 4.5' and 2' high. At about two weeks old you will want to put some wire mesh on the top for the escape artists.

Do they need to be kept warm?
Yes, they most defiantly need to be kept warm at all times, you will need a heat lamp with the right type of heating bulb. I prefer the red tinted ones, but after awhile the red will peel off. At the moment the heat lamp is about two feet from the bottom of the water trough, as they get older you will have to move it higher. Always keep an eye on the chicks and make sure that they aren't shivering and huddled together, or panting with wings drooped. To tell how warm it is just stick you hand in(at their level) and see how hot your hand feels, if its warm then you're good, it its so hot it hurts move it higher. After all you don't want mini roast chicken!!!

What do I use to line the bottom of the container?
For the first day you should line the bottom with just news paper, after you're sure that they know where the food is you can put some wood shavings on the bottom, don't use cedar shavings as the oil in it can be bad for them. Change the news paper and shavings at least once a day. More if need be. Also make sure that they don't eat the shavings, NEVER use sawdust!!

What do I feed them?
At your local feed store they should have bags of start/grow chick feed, always check to make sure that is for chicks, some are just for ducks or turkeys. Keep their feeders full at all times, their metabolism is a lot faster than ours so they need to eat constantly.

What do they drink?
They drink water from the very beginning, when you first get them you should give them sugar water(two tablespoons per quart) for a day or two. After that plain water is fine, there are different types of water soluble chick vitamins and supplements. I've never needed them though.

What do I do when I first get them?
It is best if while placing them in the container you have chosen to dip each chicks beak into the sugar water and make sure they all get some water, they will be dehydrated and tired after the journey. As tempting as it is, don't cuddle them for at least a couple of hours they need to recuperate.

I hope you enjoy the wonderful world of chickenhood!!!!

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